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FLORIDA FLYING E-VENTS is Updated Frequently!

 This update 05/08/04
///////////// Note: Verify events before attending! \\\\\\\\\\\\\

Weekly Events ....


First and Third Saturday. CANNON CREEK AIRPARK, 15FL, Fly-In Breakfast Excellent and varied menus, $5.00 Donation Requested. 800-766-0406, office@ccairpark.com.

Austin Sessions, 904-752-1957, Field & Weather. Private Airport, Fly in at your own risk. Unicom 123.0, Lat 30 deg 10 min x Long 82 deg 40 min.

FIRST SAT. Arthur Dunn Airpark (X-21), EAA Chapter 866, Pancakes, sausage, coffee and O.J. for $3.00. (we also offer biscuits and gravy). Near Skydive Space Coast

building Titusville. Larry Reynolds lreynolds3@cfl.rr.com Neale Cranston, 321-269-0803, Pietenpol866@cfl.rr.com Larry Gilbert NLE at legilbert@juno.com


First SUN. Brunch at Jumbolair Estates. (Greystone A/P, NE of Ocala) Chef Peter White will prepare (offer) everything from homemade strudel, muffins, fresh fruit,

pancakes, and waffles to omelets just the way you like it. 10 AM to 2 PM at $16 per person. For more information or to reserve a table, 352-401-1990 or e-mail:

Jumbolair@aol.com Fax: 352-629-0409 http://www.jumbolair.com/brunch.htm NOTE: Our radio frequency is 122.7 Pilots should try to use a left hand pattern when

taking off and landing on 18/36


Third Saturday of each month. Pancake Breakfast, VALKARIA AIRPORT X59, 0800 - 1100, EAA Chapter 1288. Best Pancakes & Sausages in Florida! Fresh Orange Juice, Great Coffee,

$3.00 donation to the EAA (Pancakes are all you can eat) Contact Art Irvine 321-727-3019 artirv@juno.com or, Vince Rakstis, Pres. EAA-1288, 321-725-4792,

captvr@aol.com . NOTE:hrkp06a@aol.com


Third Saturday of each month.  Florida First Coast Chapter of the Ninety-Nines
Jacksonville, FL @ Craig Air Center
CRG 10 am (location changes occasionally)
Contact: Reba J. Ludlow aireba@aol.com/904-285-8026


Third Saturday of each month. -- EAA Chapter 635 Pancake Breakfast /Fly-in /Young Eagles. 08;30a - 11:00a at the EAA635 T-Hangar Complex on the east end of the field. Deland-Taylor Airport (DED)., Deland Florida. Contact: Van Vickers (386) 668-0936 -- vanv@mpinet.net

Third Saturday of each month. Space Coast 99’s meeting, Bobbie Lasher 321-636-5346

SAT. AFTER THIRD TUE. Kissimmee Apt, ISM, EAA-74, Pancake breakfast. 321-678-5873.

THIRD SUN. EAA Chapter 803 at Sebring Airport, SEF, Sebring FBO 941-655-6455. Pancake Breakfast, 8 AM - about 11 AM at the Chapter Hangar. George

Houghton, 863-465-6996. Unicom 122.7 for taxi directions. Check with the FBO for Discount Fuel


FOURTH WED. Brevard Aviation Association meeting. 7 PM Merritt Island (COI) . Richard Lasher b919r@worldnet.att.net or 321-636-5346


FOURTH SAT. Orlando, EAA-74, Pancake breakfast/Young Eagles. 321-841-7981.




Daily Event List ....



May 8, 2004 ***(Mooney Lunch)  Second Sat., 11:30 Vero Beach (VRB) No Program

- Just Visiting   daveanruth@aol.com or 352-343-3196 so we can give the

restaurant some idea of how many are coming.


May 8, 2004. Country Gourmet Breakfast,Ferguson Airport 82J Contact Information: Jimmie Baker (850) 455-8130 Email Address: apar@cox.net


May 8th & 9th.  The North Florida Airshow with the Thunderbirds and other airshow performers will be held on May 8th & 9th this year at the Lake City Municipal Airport (LCQ).  For more information call Vernon Douglas (386) 758-1010.  Thunderbirds performing


May 8-9 2004 Vidalia Onion Festival Air Show,  $8.  Vidalia GA Snowbirds

May 10th, 2004 6pm, Instrument Rating Ground School
Hillsborough Community College, Brandon Campus
Runs 6 weeks, register by replying to this email
More information:

May 11, 2004, 7:00-9:00pm, Ask the Doctor
FAA Aviation Safety Program - FREE Safety Seminars
Speaker: Aviation Medical Examiner G.H. Coupe, D.O.
Location: 4801 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa. Across from USF


May 15, 2004.  The North East Regional Air Show at Keystone Heights Airpark will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2004 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Come see static displays of military equipment, private aircraft (fixed and rotor), hot air balloon rides, airplane rides, informational booths and a classic car show. Special guests (to date) include Jaxson De Ville, mascot of the Jacksonville Jaguars, members of the Jacksonville Roar, and Smokey the Bear!. A ceremony honoring our Military will be held at 11:30 AM. For additional information contact the Airpark Office 352-473-0031 or Contact Nancy@keystoneairport.com for details.


***(North Carolina) May 14, 15, 16, Fri., Sat., Sun., First Annual "The

Mid-Atlantic Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention" Lumberton, NC ( LBT ) I'm

visiting EAA Chapters and other aviation related groups to spread the good

word and prospect for volunteers. Please let me know if you have any ideas AND

how you might like to participate. Our goal is to host a fly-in in the tradition

of those events we have all held dear in the past.... Lots of planes, lots of

flying, good friends, good food, gatherings around the bonfire, dawn

patrols.... What else can YOU think of???? Join our e-mail list. Dale Faux

AntiqueAirways@aol.com   http://www.midatlanticflyin.com/


***(AirFest) May 15, 16, 2004, Sat., Sun., Armed Forces Day Weekend,
Tallahassee Regional Airport ( TLH ) EAA Chapter 445... 8 am Pancake Breakfast, hot
dogs and hamburgers for lunch, 2 F-16's from Eglin AFB, New Aircraft on display,
Cirrus , Lancair , Liberty ,Maule ,Pilatus, Piper, Safari Helicopter
Tethered Hot Air Balloon Rides, Two seat Pitts rides, …Free Breakfast or lunch to the first
50 Pilots who fly-in. John Sivyer 850-508-3887 No Admission for fly-in pilots and passengers!
president@eaa445.org http://www.eaa445.org/04airfest.htm


**(Fly-In) May 15, Sat., 0800 'till Dark. EAA Chapter 66 at Historic

Buckingham Army Air Field, courtesy of Lee County Mosquito Control District. N26-38-36

W81-42-37 Food, Camping, Overnight Parking, Free Admission. For Info: Bob

Haas 239-694-2875 checkpointiii@starband.net


***(Mooney Group) May 16, 2004 Sun., Live Oak ( 24J ) Canoe Trip on the

Suwannee River. The Canoe Outpost will pick us up between 8 AM and 10 AM. They will

transport you to the river and give you a choice of a 4 mile trip or a 6 mile

trip unless you get there too late for the longer trip. We will meet on the

river at Suwannee Springs Park where lunch will be provided. After lunch you

will paddle two mile to the Canoe Outpost office, and they will transport you

back to the airport. The cost will be $20 per person for either a canoe or a

kayak, and extra, yet to be determined, for lunch. daveanruth@aol.com or

352-343-3196 I would appreciate it if you let me know as soon as possible if you are

coming to any event, especially the canoe event, so I can notify the restaurant

of approximate numbers. But, I would rather have you come unannounced than

not come. Also, if you cannot come to any event because of weather or other

factors, but have told me you are coming, it is not a problem. We don't want

anyone flying when they shouldn't or are not comfortable.


May 22, 2004. 

Chapter 908 Pancake Breakfast/Fly-In,St. Lucie County International FPR Contact Information: Paul Fischer 772-464-0538


May 22,2004.  EAA Chapter 977 at Cannon Creek Airpark is having a fly-in cookout on Sat. May 22,2004. 11 AM - 2 PM  At The Herndon House Fly In Enjoy Lunch Talk Airplanes and Flying  Identifier 15FL Runways: 18-36 paved 3500’  CTAF Frequency: 123.0  9-27 turf 2300’   Gerry Kutner   tigerjoy@atlantic.net

**(Conference) May 26 - 28, 2004, Wed. - Fri., Airport Facilities & Safety

Conference, Clearwater, FL


May 29th & 30th. Wings over Miami Invites LAFA for their event May 29th & 30th fly in trailer in. they now have an UL hanging from the ceiling, a CONDOR II   looks like a Quicksilver, for info call John Bubel 305 322-2207


***(International Young Eagles Day) June 12, Sat., ( 3FD1 ) Tampa Bay

Executive Airport, New Port Richey EAA Chapter 791, One of the Best Young Eagles

Teams in the Nation! aeronca@ij.net (Scott & Le Ann Hinton) 727-815-3744 / Hank

Hiscox, NLE 352-666-4701 hanky@usaconx.com www.youngeagles.org/  



***(Mooney Lunch) June 12, 2004 Second Sat., 11:30 Runway Cafe in Sebring

(SEF) Please RSVP if possible to daveanruth@aol.com or 352-343-3196 so we can

give the restaurant some idea of how many are coming.


***( 99s Activities ) June 12, 2004, Sat., Annual Young Eagles Day Fundraiser

--Tampa Bay Executive ( 3FD1 ) Serving Hot Coffee, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and

other good things! (This is in conjunction with the Young Eagles Program of

EAA Chapter 791) -- Come early to help, starting at 8:00 AM. Marie Grein

Chairman 727-799-1552 megrein@att.net

sc99@fpcg.net www.youngeagles.org/


***(Air & Ground Show) June 12, 13, Sat., Sun., 2004, First Annual Wings 'n

Wheels, St. Lucie County Air and Military Vehicle Show. St. Lucie County

International Airport ( FPR ) Victory Forge Boot Camp, (Victory Children's Home,

Inc.) www.victoryhomes.org 772-879-7181 and the Vietnam Veterans of South

Florida. Opening Ceremonies at 11 am on Saturday. In-Flight air displays between 2 &

4 pm each day. Military jeeps, trucks, track vehicles, water assault craft and

equipment on display. A premier entertainment value with attractions,

exhibits, re-enactments and activities for the entire family. 800-804-5445

Inezfrid@bellsouth.net www.slcwingsandwheels.com tashhome@comcast.net (Bob & Shelly

Tash) Air Force Association www.goldcoast351.org 954-782-7287 Spectacular displays

both in the air and on the ground, featuring vintage and modern military ,

civilian and experimental aircraft and a wide array of preserved military

vehicles, equipment and re-enactments.


June 21 - June 24.  MI***(Short Wing Piper Club) Annual Convention, June 21 - June 24, 2004,

Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Details in SWP News. Florida Chapter Annual Business

Meeting, at our Building on the Sun 'n Fun Campus. Iris Morris 813-737-3463

iriswmorris@juno.com Tom Null is our Chapter Vice-President and is in charge of

selecting our fly-in destinations. tnull@3oaks.com


July 9-10 2004 Pensacola Beach Airshow Pensacola Beach FL Blue Angels


July 10  ***(Mooney Lunch) July 10, 2004 Second Sat., 11:30 Need a volunteer to host

this event. Please RSVP if possible to daveanruth@aol.com or 352-343-3196 so we

can give the restaurant some idea of how many are coming.


***(FSAACA) July 17, Sat., Twelve Oaks Airport ( 5FL7 ) Hernando, FL George

Read 352-726-5216 GWRead@aol.com fsaaca@2ndamendment.net www.fsaaca.com

850-929-2406 Shelly Decker, NLE RUNWAY 4 / 22 28-58-40.924N / 082-21-49.347W 2655 x

100 ft. turf Runway edge lights: low intensity UNICOM: 123.0


***(Smilin’ Jack Fly-In), Oct. 2, First Sat., Titusville Arthur Dunn Airpark

( X71 ) Combines with the First Saturday Breakfast! Sponsored by EAA Chapter

866 Neil Cranston 321-269-0803 Food, Refreshments, Great Fun. Antique & Classic

Aircraft / Homebuilt Aircraft / Experimental Aircraft / General Aviation

Aircraft / Radio Controlled Aircraft / Warbirds / Ultralight Aircraft / Parachute

Demo / Displays / Antique Autos Larry Gilbert, NLE, GIL1CFI@aol.com


***(AirFest) Oct. 9, 10, 2004, Sat., Sun,, Suncoast AirFest 2004, downtown

St.Petersburg's Albert Whitted Airport (SPG) Top name aerobatic performers,

military fly-bys and static display aircraft as well as World War II and vintage

aircraft performances. Displays range from early military Warbirds and military

vehicles to modern day experimental aircraft. There will be plenty of food,

musical entertainment, antique cars and children's exhibits as well. 10 AM to 5

PM Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM Sunday. Presented by the Albert Whitted Airport

Preservation Society - Steve Tolliver at 813-917-1967 or

stolliver1234@earthlink.net    www.SuncoastAirfest.com


Oct 16-17 2004 Fort Myers Beach Air Show Fort Myers Beach FL


***(Georgia) Oct. 15, 16, 17, Fri., Sat., Sun. Boshears / Skyfest 2004

www.boshears.com It will be held at Daniel Field presented by Boshears/Skyfest

(Larry Garner) garner49@comcast.net Some of our performers: Robert Armstrong, rated

#3 (world) aerobatic last year. Charlie Kulp, The Flying Farmer. Hilarious

antics in a J3 Cub that you won't believe. Our very own Jamail Larkin from Evans

in his third year as an aerobatic performer. And he's only 20 years old! Gary

Ward, aerobatic, from Lincolnton. The world's fastest fire truck - AWESOME  

Also, Delta DC3, WWII Warbirds, parachute teams, and homebuilts. Our History

exhibit chronicles a lot of Augusta's rich aviation history over the last 100

years of flight. Music, fireworks, and the Jet Truck scheduled for Friday

night. Larry Garner, 2203 Sandra Court, Augusta, GA 30906-2841 home: 706-790-4365

cell: 706-825-5705 garner49@comcast.net


***(AirShow) Oct. 16, 17, 2004 Sat., Sun., Pompano Beach Air Fair 2004, This

year's air show will honor the veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert

Storm and the warbirds they flew. Over 20 Warbirds from World War I to Desert


Several historic aircraft from Wings Over Miami. Fokker DR-1, AT-6D, PBY and

much, much more! AF351 - GOLD COAST CHAPTER AFA (BROWARD COUNTY, FL) Air Force

Association www.goldcoast351.org 954-782-7287

ROBERT TASH tashhome@comcast.net www.airfair.org


**(EXPO) Oct. 28 - 31, Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun., U.S. Sport Aviation Expo at

Sebring Regional Airport ( SEF ) First Annual Exposition to highlight this new

category of aircraft and associated certifications. Manufacturers of Light

Sport Aircraft and kits, providers of components and associated hardware, and

those people with potential ownership and dealership interests. Hard surface

display sites are available, along with camping, rental cars and vendor golf carts.

Private, EAA and Government representatives will be on hand to discuss

aircraft capabilities and limitations, licensing of current aircraft and training

and certification procedures for sport pilots and maintenance personnel. Expo

Advisory Board, 128 Authority Lane, Sebring, FL 33870 863-655-6444 ext. 117

Expo@sebring-airport.com slvegl99@aol.com (Press Release at

https://jerryrooks.tripod.com/sebx.html) www.sport-aviation-expo.com. On this site exhibitors can

register and reserve display sites and individuals can sign up as volunteers by

downloading and mailing in a form.

EAA Sport Pilot Hot Line, 1-877/FLY-1232 website,



Oct 29-31 2004 Jacksonville Int'l Air & Sea Spectacular NAS Jacksonville FL Blue Angels (30-31)


****(LAFA's 8th Annual Air Fair) Nov. 6, 7, 2004, Sat., Sun., Homestead

General Aviation Airport X51-U Hosted by the Light Aircraft Flyers Association, EAA

Chapter 103UL Public Invited, Free Admission - Contact Ron Andersen

954-721-2373 www.airfair@lafa.com LAFA Hot Line = 954-721-2373 lafa@lafa.com 



Nov 6-7 2004 NAS Key West Air Show: "Blue Angels in Paradise" Key West FL Blue Angels

Dec 12-13 2004 NAS Pensacola Open House and Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow NAS Pensacola FL Blue Angels


February 5-6, 2005.  Aviation and Avionics Expo  Saturday and Sunday February 5-6, 2005
Charlotte County Airport (PGD) Punta Gorda, Florida. Free Admission!



Send your events news to: q2pilot@hotmail.com

Please use the format: Date of event.  Description, cost, location GPS cords, web or email contact info.

Your suggestions and input are desired, and NEEDED.  This site is the best hope we have of keeping all the Florida Flying events located in one place!  Jerry Rooks and Mike Dwyer thank you!


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