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Jan 11, 2004
Jan. 11, 2004 Second Sunday: Jerry drove down to Avon Park, in the dark
most of the way, and cold to the bone until noon! This might very well
have been my last trip out to some foreign airport for breakfast - can't
see all that good in the dark - and not a heckuva lot better in the
light ! It was pre-arranged to meet Mr. Propeller Man, and his son and
daughter-in-law. (wife was out of the state)
My plan was to set out my table with the event listings, and have a
propeller out for display as well. Draws a lot of attention for me, and
some for Myles Hustad, Brady Hustad, and Kelli, the pretty one. This was
a very good morning for "Breakfast With The Veterans' Honor
Guard" in spite of the cold and wind. And, I don't want to start
mentioning all the names of people who shook my hand and got introduced
to the Hustads. Match Making is my favorite pastime, and I got dizzy
with all the excitement.
Anyways, I haven't seen Lefty and KayDee for what, a year ? and I'm sure
glad to find them back at work in the Sebring area.
From: (The Leftwich's)
Hi Jerry, was also good seeing you again and meeting some new
aviation-type folks.
After a short hiatus, I'm back working on Air Cams again. I had left and
worked on some Air Cams around the country for a few months. Back at the
factory, I do get along very well with Antonio Leza and he likes having
me there again. I'm doing the demo flights, tech calls, and building the
51% fuselages for customers, when needed. I don't want to build the
complete Air Cam, unless it's for an overseas customer. For the Air Cam
Service Center, I do annual inspections, modifications and general
inspections for Air Cam customers. I'll be working at the Air Cam
display again at Sun 'n Fun, and we'll also be celebrating the 10th
anniversary of the Air Cam this year. I'm still traveling around the
country helping Air Cam customers with their planes, especially final
assembly and inspection. On the 27th of this month, I'll be attending
the FAA's Technical Safety Institute in Oklahoma City. I'll be one of
the first 18 AB-DAR candidates to complete a 3 day course. We will be
able to inspect and issue airworthiness certificates to amateur built
aircraft. This is on a "volunteer" basis and we can only
charge for expenses and not the actual inspection. Cost for the FAA
course is $428. Hotel Room for 4 nights, $220. Round trip air fare,
$378. And, I pay for all this out of my pocket. And so it
Here's a shot that KayDee took today............Lefty